Where Gods Love Is Always

Moore's Temple Church



In 1926 the Lord impressed Elder N.A. Moore to come to East Saint Louis, IL to teach his word.

Elder Moore organized and established the Moore’s Temple Church in a vacant lot in the 1100 block on Division Avenue.

The first service was held July 4th 1926.
The saints, prayed, sang and Pastor Moore preached from first John chapter 3. Soon after a tent was erected as our first worship edifice at the Division Avenue location. God added to the church such as should be saved. The church congregation prayed for a more comfortable place to worship and were blessed with funds to make a down payment on a building at 1254 Division.

This Building was dedicated by Bishop Daniel Bostick in 1929. The congregation continued to grow and was often referred to as “a power house,” many revivals services were held, souls were saved, sick bodies were healed and the gospel of Christ was preached.

In 1961 because of a government redevelopment project the church was forced to move and our present edifice was built at 2700 Cleveland Avenue.

Through the years God has continually added to our church such as would be save and the work of God continues through the Moore’s Temple Church congregation. To God be the glory for the things he has done and continues to do.